Meeting information is sent via email to LJCA members and notifications posted on Facebook. If you are a member or neighbor and have not received the email notification, please contact the board ([email protected]) so you can be added to the distribution lists. To stay in the know about neighborhood events and ongoings, including announcements from LJCA, please join the Facebook group.
If you are interested in joining one of the LJCA committees (Historical Preservation, Hospitality, Real Property, Beautification, Road) please send an email with the committee name as the title to [email protected].
Recorded Meeting / Meeting Minutes are saved on the LJCA Google Drive Account. Previous meeting recordings will be uploaded prior to upcoming meetings.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, January 25, 2024, 7:30 PM Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary Hall
Agenda: January 25, 2024
1. Sign In
2. Minutes Approval from prior meeting
a) Housekeeping, from 2023 Annual Association Meeting in November relating to LJCA Meetings
a. Proposed, motioned, and approved:
1. Annual schedule to align with "lake summer", avoid holidays:
a. Annual Meeting moving to March, Membership open March through May.
b. November /December 2023 meeting = March 2024 meeting
c. Next meeting in March 2024 will kick off 2024 Membership drive
2. Meetings on Thursday instead of Tuesdays for BOCS meeting timeline
3. Dues increase to $40; Boat Ramp Keys to $100
a. Dues must be paid in advance of key pickup.
b. Keys will remain working until May, exact date TBD
4. Jim Crane, appointed to Corresponding Secretary
5. Board Members will be in position until March 2025 under current provisions
3. Treasury Report
4. Committee Reports
a) Sanitary District / Roads Crew (RC)
a. SitRep after new winter notification process
b. Expectation alignment
b) Beautification
a. Site surveys on community areas needed in Spring for impact from winter storms
c) Hospitality
a. Holiday lights feedback
b. Spring yard sale?
c. Sizzlin’ Summer Kick Off Luau – May 18? Memorial Day?
d. Fourth of July Poker Run/Cookout – July 6?
e. Cold weather camaraderie suggestions (Crock off?)
f. Shirt designs, send to email to add to offering
d) Historical Preservation
a. Motion for shed was not voted on previously, opted for obtaining scanning services quotes
e) Real Property
a. Vehicles/personal property on LJCA owned roadways - can’t maintain or plow
b. Pearl Street
c. Received inquiries of existing residents wanting to “expand” their ownership for planting flowers and gardens
-plant at own risk, will remain LJCA property unless hardship/building/zoning impacts
d. Boots on the ground committee members needed
1. Streamlined process with neighbor approval up front
5. Current Events relating to Coles District/Lake Jackson community
a) Dam update
b) Roadwork on 234, requests sent to County/VDOT
6. Adjournment
Posted 1/09/2024, Revised 2/15/2024
Emergency Bylaws for electronic meetings via Zoom began January 26, 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The vote to approve the electronic meetings also approved all votes held throughout 2020 during electronic meetings.
Electronic Meeting Overview and Guidelines:
- Regular meetings of the Association shall be held during the months of January, March, May, July, and September
- The annual meeting shall be in March
- Meetings are usually held at the Lake Jackson Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary Hall.
Meeting information is sent via email to LJCA members and notifications posted on Facebook. If you are a member or neighbor and have not received the email notification, please contact the board ([email protected]) so you can be added to the distribution lists. To stay in the know about neighborhood events and ongoings, including announcements from LJCA, please join the Facebook group.
If you are interested in joining one of the LJCA committees (Historical Preservation, Hospitality, Real Property, Beautification, Road) please send an email with the committee name as the title to [email protected].
Recorded Meeting / Meeting Minutes are saved on the LJCA Google Drive Account. Previous meeting recordings will be uploaded prior to upcoming meetings.
Next Meeting:
Thursday, January 25, 2024, 7:30 PM Volunteer Fire Department Auxiliary Hall
Agenda: January 25, 2024
1. Sign In
2. Minutes Approval from prior meeting
a) Housekeeping, from 2023 Annual Association Meeting in November relating to LJCA Meetings
a. Proposed, motioned, and approved:
1. Annual schedule to align with "lake summer", avoid holidays:
a. Annual Meeting moving to March, Membership open March through May.
b. November /December 2023 meeting = March 2024 meeting
c. Next meeting in March 2024 will kick off 2024 Membership drive
2. Meetings on Thursday instead of Tuesdays for BOCS meeting timeline
3. Dues increase to $40; Boat Ramp Keys to $100
a. Dues must be paid in advance of key pickup.
b. Keys will remain working until May, exact date TBD
4. Jim Crane, appointed to Corresponding Secretary
5. Board Members will be in position until March 2025 under current provisions
3. Treasury Report
4. Committee Reports
a) Sanitary District / Roads Crew (RC)
a. SitRep after new winter notification process
b. Expectation alignment
b) Beautification
a. Site surveys on community areas needed in Spring for impact from winter storms
c) Hospitality
a. Holiday lights feedback
b. Spring yard sale?
c. Sizzlin’ Summer Kick Off Luau – May 18? Memorial Day?
d. Fourth of July Poker Run/Cookout – July 6?
e. Cold weather camaraderie suggestions (Crock off?)
f. Shirt designs, send to email to add to offering
d) Historical Preservation
a. Motion for shed was not voted on previously, opted for obtaining scanning services quotes
e) Real Property
a. Vehicles/personal property on LJCA owned roadways - can’t maintain or plow
b. Pearl Street
c. Received inquiries of existing residents wanting to “expand” their ownership for planting flowers and gardens
-plant at own risk, will remain LJCA property unless hardship/building/zoning impacts
d. Boots on the ground committee members needed
1. Streamlined process with neighbor approval up front
5. Current Events relating to Coles District/Lake Jackson community
a) Dam update
b) Roadwork on 234, requests sent to County/VDOT
6. Adjournment
Posted 1/09/2024, Revised 2/15/2024
Emergency Bylaws for electronic meetings via Zoom began January 26, 2021 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The vote to approve the electronic meetings also approved all votes held throughout 2020 during electronic meetings.
Electronic Meeting Overview and Guidelines:
- Internet meeting information will be sent out 2 hours before each meeting.
- Meeting will be open 5 minutes before the start.
- Everyone should identify themselves with a username on the screen. If your username does not reflect who you are, you will be asked to enter your name in the chat section for roll call purposes.
- Warnings will be issued to anyone who is being unruly. After warning is issued, if member is still interfering with meeting, a forced disconnection will happen.
- If a Lake Jackson Citizen would like to add a topic to discuss during the meeting, please utilize the raised hand feature, and preferably use the chat box. This will help during the meeting, so everyone is not talking all at once, and all questions are addressed.
- All users will be muted at start of meeting. It is appreciated for all users to remain on mute throughout the meeting, unless a vote is being held, or the user has been called on after using the raised hand feature.
- Voting will be taken verbally and if needed, by the voting feature (chat).
- Video of the Chair will be displayed throughout the meeting.