Vote: Approved January 22, 2019 Effective Date: February 1, 2019
(Minor updates January 2024, to be active 2024-2025)
The LJCA Inc. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is a compilation of policies, processes and procedures that document how the LJCA Executive Board and Committees formed by the Membership conduct the business of the Association.
With yearly changes on the Executive Board, the SOP is intended to provide continuity between Boards and consistency in the manner in which the Board conducts the Association’s business. The SOP is also intended to be a central document for Association members to provide information on the policies and procedures related to operation of the Association. The SOP will be reviewed each year at the annual meeting and any changes proposed will come to a vote. Revisions will be effective two months after the start of the new membership year.
P.O. BOX 10237, MANASSAS, VA 20108 Board: [email protected]
Road Committee: [email protected] LJCA Website: ljcainc.com
ASSOCIATION MEETINGS: Regular meetings are held in January, March, May, July, and September. Meetings are generally held during the evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Jackson Volunteer Fire Department. Our Annual Meeting is generally held in March. Time and location of meetings will be announced in advance of the meeting date and minutes of the previous meeting will be provided to membership. Meetings may need to be rescheduled with short notice in the event of inclement weather or other emergency situations. Emergency Meeting notices may be as short as 48 hours. If members are not able to attend emergency meetings, electronic responses can be sent to the Board members. Meeting Notices are announced on our website, LJCA Group Facebook page, and by email to members who provide a valid email address to the Board.
Single (1 Voting Member) $40.00 Household (2 Voting Members) $80.00
BOAT RAMP KEY (in addition to Membership Dues) $100.00
Membership dues are collected during the enrollment period each year. Dues can be paid using an online transaction as designated by the Board. Dues can be mailed to the Board post office box or paid at a meeting via check. Boat ramp keys are normally distributed in alignment to the Boat Ramp lock changes, in May.
Requirements to receive a boat ramp key for use with a boat:
1) Proof of completed Boat Safety Course
2) Turn in key given out the previous year
3) Pay Membership Dues and Boat Ramp Key Fee
Requirements for boat ramp key but no boat:
1) Sign a waiver that no operation of motorized boat will occur
2) Turn in key given out the previous year
3) Pay Membership Dues and Boat Ramp Key Fee
MEMBERSHIP/BOAT RAMP FEE USAGE: All fees collected and funds raised through fundraising efforts solely support the Association. Regular and Recurring Expenses are authorized for payment by the Executive Board without membership approval unless the cost for the recurring item raises more that 15% (in which case the Executive Board will present the new cost to membership for approval before payment). New or non-routine purchases and expenditures in an amount over $750 must be approved by the membership. The Executive Board is allocated an Annual Discretionary Fund in the amount of $750.
LAKE JACKSON SANITARY DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (LJSDAC): The LJSDAC consists of Lake Jackson volunteers appointed by Prince William County. The committee devotes time, once per month, to drive Lake Jackson roads and compile a report. The committee meets with the county every other month to report its findings. The county determines what work can be done within the allotted budget and prepares purchase orders for the work to be completed under an established contract. Once work is completed, the committee verifies the work is done and approves the invoices. During snow season, volunteers work with the Road Committee and/or Board determine when to call the contractor and provide the “plow plan”. The committee members verify start and stop times and equipment used in snow removal. The committee’s chairperson is responsible for preparing an agenda and leading the meetings. The chairperson speaks for the committee with their approval at membership and annual meetings.
ROAD COMMITTEE: The Road Committee consists of Lake Jackson volunteers that coordinate and communicate with the Board and the LJSDAC regarding road status and maintenance needs, specifically during times of inclement weather.
REAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE: The Real Property Committee is a standing committee that reviews requests for the Lake Jackson Community Association to sell real property and easements utilizing the “Real Property Guidelines” as needed. The committee makes recommendations to the Board and Membership and provides reports at LJCA meetings.
BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE: The Beautification Committee was created, in part, to develop ideas on how best to spend down a $10,000 gift bequeathed to LJCA by a long time resident for the expressed purpose of maintaining the beauty of our community. The Committee makes its recommendations to the LJCA Board and its membership and seeks their approval. The Beautification fund is monitored and maintained by the LJCA Treasurer.
Among its other responsibilities, the Committee:
- Publicizes beautification events through social media, the LJCAINC website and through email
- Organizes volunteer cleanups of Lake Jackson neighborhoods and common areas
- Monitors the environment at Big Beach and at the Lester and Cobb Road boat ramps
- Provides for the annual delivery of sand to Big Beach to replenish as needed
- Provides for the planting of shrubs, trees, grasses and flowers upon the recommendation and
approval of the LJCA membership
-Provides regular reports at LJCA meetings
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE: The Hospitality Committee gains approval from the membership for dates for annual events such as the Beach Parties, Boat Parades and Poker Runs, Lake Cleanups, and Yard Sales. The committee plans, makes needed purchases, advertises, and execute these events. The Hospitality Committee may plan and execute fundraising activities for the association. The Hospitality Committee oversees new member welcome kits and fundraising.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Nominating Committee will assemble a list of willing and qualified candidates for Executive Board member positions. Candidates should be qualified for the office for which they are nominated and agree to serve the full term (one-year).
SPECIAL OR AD HOC COMMITTEES: Such committees may be formed and approved at regular or annual membership meetings.
Vote: Approved January 22, 2019 Effective Date: February 1, 2019
(Minor updates January 2024, to be active 2024-2025)
The LJCA Inc. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) is a compilation of policies, processes and procedures that document how the LJCA Executive Board and Committees formed by the Membership conduct the business of the Association.
With yearly changes on the Executive Board, the SOP is intended to provide continuity between Boards and consistency in the manner in which the Board conducts the Association’s business. The SOP is also intended to be a central document for Association members to provide information on the policies and procedures related to operation of the Association. The SOP will be reviewed each year at the annual meeting and any changes proposed will come to a vote. Revisions will be effective two months after the start of the new membership year.
P.O. BOX 10237, MANASSAS, VA 20108 Board: [email protected]
Road Committee: [email protected] LJCA Website: ljcainc.com
ASSOCIATION MEETINGS: Regular meetings are held in January, March, May, July, and September. Meetings are generally held during the evenings at 7:30 p.m. at the Lake Jackson Volunteer Fire Department. Our Annual Meeting is generally held in March. Time and location of meetings will be announced in advance of the meeting date and minutes of the previous meeting will be provided to membership. Meetings may need to be rescheduled with short notice in the event of inclement weather or other emergency situations. Emergency Meeting notices may be as short as 48 hours. If members are not able to attend emergency meetings, electronic responses can be sent to the Board members. Meeting Notices are announced on our website, LJCA Group Facebook page, and by email to members who provide a valid email address to the Board.
Single (1 Voting Member) $40.00 Household (2 Voting Members) $80.00
BOAT RAMP KEY (in addition to Membership Dues) $100.00
Membership dues are collected during the enrollment period each year. Dues can be paid using an online transaction as designated by the Board. Dues can be mailed to the Board post office box or paid at a meeting via check. Boat ramp keys are normally distributed in alignment to the Boat Ramp lock changes, in May.
Requirements to receive a boat ramp key for use with a boat:
1) Proof of completed Boat Safety Course
2) Turn in key given out the previous year
3) Pay Membership Dues and Boat Ramp Key Fee
Requirements for boat ramp key but no boat:
1) Sign a waiver that no operation of motorized boat will occur
2) Turn in key given out the previous year
3) Pay Membership Dues and Boat Ramp Key Fee
MEMBERSHIP/BOAT RAMP FEE USAGE: All fees collected and funds raised through fundraising efforts solely support the Association. Regular and Recurring Expenses are authorized for payment by the Executive Board without membership approval unless the cost for the recurring item raises more that 15% (in which case the Executive Board will present the new cost to membership for approval before payment). New or non-routine purchases and expenditures in an amount over $750 must be approved by the membership. The Executive Board is allocated an Annual Discretionary Fund in the amount of $750.
LAKE JACKSON SANITARY DISTRICT ADVISORY COMMITTEE (LJSDAC): The LJSDAC consists of Lake Jackson volunteers appointed by Prince William County. The committee devotes time, once per month, to drive Lake Jackson roads and compile a report. The committee meets with the county every other month to report its findings. The county determines what work can be done within the allotted budget and prepares purchase orders for the work to be completed under an established contract. Once work is completed, the committee verifies the work is done and approves the invoices. During snow season, volunteers work with the Road Committee and/or Board determine when to call the contractor and provide the “plow plan”. The committee members verify start and stop times and equipment used in snow removal. The committee’s chairperson is responsible for preparing an agenda and leading the meetings. The chairperson speaks for the committee with their approval at membership and annual meetings.
ROAD COMMITTEE: The Road Committee consists of Lake Jackson volunteers that coordinate and communicate with the Board and the LJSDAC regarding road status and maintenance needs, specifically during times of inclement weather.
REAL PROPERTY COMMITTEE: The Real Property Committee is a standing committee that reviews requests for the Lake Jackson Community Association to sell real property and easements utilizing the “Real Property Guidelines” as needed. The committee makes recommendations to the Board and Membership and provides reports at LJCA meetings.
BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE: The Beautification Committee was created, in part, to develop ideas on how best to spend down a $10,000 gift bequeathed to LJCA by a long time resident for the expressed purpose of maintaining the beauty of our community. The Committee makes its recommendations to the LJCA Board and its membership and seeks their approval. The Beautification fund is monitored and maintained by the LJCA Treasurer.
Among its other responsibilities, the Committee:
- Publicizes beautification events through social media, the LJCAINC website and through email
- Organizes volunteer cleanups of Lake Jackson neighborhoods and common areas
- Monitors the environment at Big Beach and at the Lester and Cobb Road boat ramps
- Provides for the annual delivery of sand to Big Beach to replenish as needed
- Provides for the planting of shrubs, trees, grasses and flowers upon the recommendation and
approval of the LJCA membership
-Provides regular reports at LJCA meetings
HOSPITALITY COMMITTEE: The Hospitality Committee gains approval from the membership for dates for annual events such as the Beach Parties, Boat Parades and Poker Runs, Lake Cleanups, and Yard Sales. The committee plans, makes needed purchases, advertises, and execute these events. The Hospitality Committee may plan and execute fundraising activities for the association. The Hospitality Committee oversees new member welcome kits and fundraising.
NOMINATING COMMITTEE: The Nominating Committee will assemble a list of willing and qualified candidates for Executive Board member positions. Candidates should be qualified for the office for which they are nominated and agree to serve the full term (one-year).
SPECIAL OR AD HOC COMMITTEES: Such committees may be formed and approved at regular or annual membership meetings.